Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_top position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_bottom position below the menu.

Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.

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British-based news organization,
The Independent, broke a story that went global immediately.

The report documented findings of an investigation, which purportedly found that more than 3,700 ships operating globally have been fitted with open-loop scrubbers, also known as cheat devices. This technology converts emission exhausts to liquid so as to dump the toxic chemicals ‘scrubbed’ from smoke-stack emissions into the sea around the ship, thus circumventing newly established standards of the International Maritime Organization. Concerns expressed include:

• continuing pollution of the environment by increased emissions from ships having to carry around this heavy device, weighing up to 200 tonnes;
• pumping sulphur and other pollutants into the sea will devastate wildlife and sanctuaries around the world;
• contaminants settling over time in waterways and accumulating in particular areas;
• pollution clean-up could make ports

non-viable and a strain on local economies; and,significant increases in the cost of dredging (for having to properly dispose of contaminated material). —

Portside Caribbean 1-866-985-9780

Mission Statement

To foster operational and financial efficiency and to enhance the level of service to the mutual benefit of
Caribbean Ports and their stakeholders, through the sharing of experience, training, information and ideas.