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Sample Sidebar Module

This is a sample module published to the sidebar_bottom position, using the -sidebar module class suffix. There is also a sidebar_top position below the search.

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By Mike Jarrett

The port is ‘the critical component’
An overview of the 2018 Caribbean Port Management Workshop

Many came to Panama with the howling winds of hurricane destruction still fresh in memory. It was only January and the Caribbean and Southern USA had taken a severe battering from several hurricanes less than six months earlier; leaving a death toll that was still being tallied up to the time of writing.

They came with the hope of finding solutions but also with a determination to address problems, natural and man-made. At the end, participants attending the inaugural Caribbean Port Management Workshop felt that it was an important annual event for port authorities and marine facility owners and operators; port planners and designers; and, port management personnel. Indeed, representatives from two countries immediately indicated an interest in hosting the next workshops: Jamaica in January 2019 and Curacao in January 2020.

Click to read the entire Final Report

Portside Caribbean 1-866-985-9780

Mission Statement

To foster operational and financial efficiency and to enhance the level of service to the mutual benefit of
Caribbean Ports and their stakeholders, through the sharing of experience, training, information and ideas.